Saturday, November 17, 2012

Free Download PES 2013 and Crack

Well this is the translation of the Indonesian page. Here I will only translate what you should do to download and install the Game (PES 2013) and you can get the link which is written part I , part II , etc in the in Indonesian page (click here)

How To Install :

1. Download all parts in the same folder
2. Extract part one
3. Extract "onr3102.iso" you can use PowerISO or WinISO
4. Buka Setup
5. Insert the serial number bellow (chose one only) :

6. Install and wait until it is done
7. Copy 'pes2013.exe' and 'rld.dll' which is in the crack folder (the name of the folder is crack) to the folder where you install the game PES 2013 (C:\Program Files\Konami\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013)--->if you make it default
8. Done and you can enjoy the game :D

Download Gratis PES 2013 dan Crack

Read in english
First post, untuk posting yang pertama, admin akan memebrikan sesuatu yang keren abis (sebenarnya semua pos bakalan keren) terutama bagi kalian para pengemar game bola. Oke langsung aja ini dia link download pes 2013 nya.

1. part I
2. part II
3. part III
4. part IV
5. part V
6. part VI

Cara Menginstall PES 2013 (Pro Evolution Soccer 2013)
1. Download lalu silahkan simpan dalam satu folder
2. Ekstract Part 1
3. Ekstrak "onr3102.iso" pakek PowerISO atau WinISO
4. Buka Setup
5. Masukkan Serial dibawah ini (pilih salah satu) :

6. Intall Sampe Slesai
7. Copykan 'pes2013.exe' dan 'rld.dll' yang ada di folder crack ke folder instalasi PES 2013 (C:\Program Files\Konami\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013)--->kalo default
8. Selesai (enjoy the game)
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